HomeOur Closing Remarks

Our Closing Remarks

For more than forty years, the Carrefour d’éducation populaire de Pointe St-Charles has been providing the neighbourhood of Pointe St-Charles with a space to foster community, to organise around their own needs, and to support one another through education and skill-sharing. By granting authority over its activities to the residents themselves, the Carrefour has empowered people to become active participants in the community and beyond.

The Carrefour has been devoted to maintaining its autonomous structure, enabling it to truly be a space by the community, for the community. Because of this, however, it has often found itself in precarious financial situations. Recently, the Commission scolaire de Montréal, which owns the building in which the Carrefour is located, announced that it will no longer provide Montreal’s six popular education centres with facilities free of charge after 2015[1]. Residents of Pointe St-Charles have mobilised in defence of the Carrefour.

We invite you to learn more about their campaign at their facebook page:

Sauvons le Carrefour de Pointe St Charles.


[1] Simon Dessureault, “La survie des centres d'éducation populaire menacée,” Le Journal de Montréal, March 31, 2014, accessed April 7, 2014, http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2014/03/31/la-survie-des-centres-deducation-populaire-menacee.



Dessureault, Simon. “La survie des centres d’éducation populaire menacée.” Le Journal de Montréal, March 31, 2014. Accessed April 7, 2014. http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2014/03/31/la-survie-des-centres-deducation-populaire-menacee.